CHK Suppliers


Safe Operations Policy

Business Units for Contract Purposes


Chesapeake Operating, LLC and its affiliates require invoices to be submitted electronically through OpenInvoice.

It is important to us to pay our business partners on time. To avoid delays, follow our invoice guidelines and format and ensure you are sending your invoice to the appropriate entity as listed on the landing page.

OpenInvoice is Chesapeake’s electronic invoicing program. It offers several benefits, including:

  • Invoice tracking and improved efficiency
  • Direct customer communication
  • Remittance and payment detail
  • Same-day dispute resolution
  • Quantity of invoices with Chesapeake and affiliate companies
  • Whether invoices are sent from multiple supplier names / sites
  • Name of existing OpenInvoice supplier account (if applicable)
  • Contact information for your company’s electronic invoicing administrator

Below are requirements to help ensure your invoice is submitted correctly and paid efficiently.


  • Submit one invoice per job
  • Submit your invoice within at least 90 days of the date of work
  • Ensure you are invoicing the correct Chesapeake entity and providing all necessary backup documents (signed field tickets, bid award sheets, etc.)
  • Include the relevant information for processing (invoice number and date, service date, description of work performed or product purchased)
  • Include correct cost object information, such as work orders, WBS elements and cost centers, as well as the rig or gathering location (if appropriate)
  • Submit a purchase order for controllable equipment (to be provided by a Chesapeake team member)


  • Group multiple jobs under a single invoice.
  • Wait too long to invoice; Chesapeake is not obligated to pay invoices past 90 days after the date of work
  • Submit invoices to the field for processing
  • Be inconsistent with your invoice amounts (make sure your invoice page matches the amount submitted in OpenInvoice)

Chesapeake utilizes PriceBooks within OpenInvoice to automatically validate electronic invoices submitted by our suppliers against the applicable contracted prices. Suppliers who reference PriceBooks when submitting invoices will experience fewer payment delays related to invoice validation and approval.

We reserve the right to require selected suppliers to reference PriceBooks when submitting invoices. If required, the Chesapeake PriceBook Administrator (PBA) will email suppliers 30 days in advance of the requirement which is to be referenced on all invoice submissions through OpenInvoice.

To establish PriceBooks in OpenInvoice, you can:

  • Attach pricing to a written agreement between your company and Chesapeake (the agreement, such as a Scope of Work, must be executed by the supplier and an officer of Chesapeake or a duly authorized designee) or
  • Enter into an Electronic Pricing Agreement (EPA) and memorialize pricing as described in the EPA section of this page

For Suppliers with an active Electronic Pricing Agreement with Chesapeake, the following terms apply:

  • Pricing may be offered by Supplier and accepted by Chesapeake in the manner indicated below. Subject to the terms of the Electronic Pricing Agreement, the submitted pricing will become effective and binding on both parties upon Chesapeake’s acceptance.
    • On or after August 1, 2023: Supplier may offer pricing to Chesapeake by submitting the proposed pricing to Chesapeake via the Pricing Agreement tool in OpenInvoice. Chesapeake’s acceptance of the pricing is indicated by Chesapeake’s approval of the pricing within OpenInvoice.
    • Prior to August 1, 2023: Supplier may offer pricing to Chesapeake by submitting the proposed pricing, in a Microsoft Excel format provided by Chesapeake, via email to any Chesapeake Supply Chain representative. Chesapeake’s acceptance is indicated by written notification by the Chesapeake Price Book Administrator to any Supplier representative that Chesapeake accepts the pricing.
  • If Supplier and Chesapeake have entered into a written agreement that imposes a limitation on price changes, all prices established or modified pursuant to the Electronic Pricing Agreement are subject to the terms of that agreement, and any purported establishment or modification of contracted prices contrary to that agreement are void.
  • For information about entering into an Electronic Pricing Agreement, please contact your Chesapeake Supply Chain representative.

Below are different status descriptions as noted in OpenInvoice.

NewInvoice has not been saved or submitted and is not yet recorded in the database.
SavedInvoice was saved but not yet submitted.
SubmittedInvoice has been submitted and is not yet approved.
DisputedInvoice has been disputed by Chesapeake and is currently waiting for supplier action. The invoice can’t be deleted but can be modified, resubmitted or cancelled.
ResubmittedInvoice has been disputed by Chesapeake, modified by the supplier, and resubmitted.
CancelledDisputed invoice that is subsequently cancelled by the supplier or the system. This invoice can’t be modified or resubmitted.
ApprovedInvoice has been reviewed and approved for payment.

Within the invoice journal section, you may see additional status descriptions.

ForwardedThe invoice was forwarded within the system; both the sender and recipient should be listed.
ProcessingThe invoice is in the workflow and Chesapeake has performed an action on the invoice.
CommentedAdditional information was noted about the invoice.
UnapprovedChesapeake returned a previously approved invoice back into the workflow for issue resolution. The invoice reverts to the status it had prior to being approved.
PaidPayment details received from Chesapeake. These details could include payment date, amount, unique payment identifier and payment method.

OpenTicket (OT) is used to document the quantity of goods received and services provided by your company. Financial approval of the goods and services are established at the time of invoicing and OT provides the option for automated receipt confirmation, resulting in faster payment processing.

As a supplier, you should submit an OpenTicket when both:

  • Goods and services are not issued on a Chesapeake PO
  • Your services require a Chesapeake employee to confirm delivery / verification of services

OT submission guidance:

  • OT allows you to enter your information directly, offering copy ticket, excel import and integration functionality with your field ticket system.
  • Your OT submission should be consistent in detail and charges summary to a signed paper field ticket. Additional information may be attached to the OT.
  • Please only utilize the Labor / Equipment / Material ticket type.
  • You must have the below data when submitting an OT.
    • Requisitioner
    • Service date range
    • Subtotal amount without taxes
    • PDF backup
    • If provided, cost object (WBS / CC / WO)

Help for OT submissions:

Payments and Taxes

Please see below for answers to your questions related to payments and tax information. After reviewing these answers, if you have additional questions, email

Our preferred method of payment is direct deposit via ACH. If you have not yet set up your payment method, email

As a standard guideline, Chesapeake pays invoices 60 days after receiving your invoice. For your company’s specific terms, please review your MSA.

Payments are processed each week on Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday.

Please utilize the invoice search functionality in OpenInvoice to view the status of your invoice as well as payment details. If you need additional information, email

Please email

Chesapeake offers multiple early pay discount options. Click here for more details.

Chesapeake holds several industry tax exemptions, sales tax permits and direct pay permits, as detailed below.

CompanyPermit or ExemptionState
Chesapeake Operating, LLC (COLLC)Industry exemption, TDPOK, PA, TX
Compass ManufacturingManufacturing exemptionOK

For sales tax questions, email

For questions about your 1099, email

Supplier Diversity Program

Our Supplier Diversity Program works to increase the number of diverse suppliers hired by Expand Energy and to encourage the availability of a healthy and diverse supplier base to support our business. Aligned with our core values, this effort supports our diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitment by providing opportunities for minority-owned businesses to compete and secure opportunities with Expand Energy.

Ethics and Integrity Helpline

You may report your concerns regarding unethical, illegal, unsafe or questionable activities on a confidential basis by calling the Expand Energy Ethics and Integrity Hotline at 866-291-3401 or reporting online at

South Texas Divestitures

SilverBow Resources: Effective 2/1/23, Chesapeake sold a portion of our South Texas locations to SilverBow Resources. You may submit these invoices directly to SilverBow Resources through OpenInvoice. For more information, contact

INEOS USA Oil & Gas LLC: Effective 10/1/22, Chesapeake sold a portion of our South Texas locations to INEOS USA Oil & Gas LLC. You may submit these invoices through OpenInvoice to INEOS USA Oil & Gas LLC Eagle Ford. Please ensure your invoice copy reflects INEOS USA Oil & Gas LLC as the Bill To company and that it includes sales tax, if applicable. In addition, to avoid processing delays, please attach your Chesapeake electronic field ticket(s) and any supporting ticket documentation when you submit your invoice to INEOS. For more information, contact

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